Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, today is my first "official" day of my marathon training. I have decided I'm going to keep a training journal where I detail my weight, what I eat, how far I run, and how I feel that day both physically and emotionally. I really do feel like God is calling me to run this marathon. I don't really think I can do it and I'm really reluctant, but I believe I am supposed to.

I don't actually have a run today as Monday is a rest day on my schedule, but I'm going to hop on the elliptical and do a little cardio exercise just to get things started. I wrote all of the training in my planner last night and it was really scary writing "Long Run 22 miles".

Jeff and I had a good weekend. On Saturday we went out to Frenchtown - just a little bit west of Missoula - and we hiked through some ice and snow in search of a black-backed woodpecker. We saw 1 black-backed along with some Pilliated woodpeckers, white breated nuthatches and about 1 billion hairy woodpeckers. I have come to the conclusion that I need some ankle height snow boots if I'm going to do things like that because, even though I was wearing waterproof shoes, my feet got soooo wet because the snow entered the top of my shoe. Sunday, we went to church in the morning, I hung out with my friend Camille to plan our Tuesday night Bible Study, and then we went grocery shopping. We also got a LAMP!! We've been wanting to get a lamp for our room since we moved here (we didn't have room in the car to bring Jeff's prized moose lamp when we moved here so it's living at my parents' house) and we finally did!

Hooray for accent lighting!

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Megan said...
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