Monday, February 2, 2009

6 months after the move...our first blog!

Hello friends and family! So, we're finally starting our family blog...we'll I'm starting our family blog. We'll see how much Jeff actually writes on this thing. While we were home for Christmas, we realized how much we miss everyone and how much happens in such a short period of time, so we're (I'm) committing to updating you guys on what's going on in our lives.

Jeff and I moved out here to Missoula, Montana about 6 months ago (early August) so Jeff could pursue a Ph.D. in Wildlife Biology at the University of Montana. Before we moved out here, I was blessed to interview and secure a job as the Fitness Director (and personal trainer and group exercise instructor) at The Women's Club Health and Fitness Center. We're living in a basement apartment that comes with two bonus dogs and cats (the lady that owns the house and lives there has pets!).

Jeff did very well in his first semester on school and I'm still learning about my job, but I think I've got the hang of it. Since we got back from our vacation in St. Louis over Christmas, Jeff has started classes again - he is now really working on putting stuff together to begin his research project this summer. I've gone back to work and have a new intern who is working with me this semester and just finished a seminar on Running your first 5K - hopefully to blossom into a 5K training program here at the club.

We go to a church called River City Church. You can see their website at I've been leading worship for the church occasionally and our "20's" group is starting a study on John this week. We've been blessed to meet some really great people at River City and we're just glad to have some friends outside of work and school who share our love of Jesus.

Right now we've got some big stuff starting to happen, but I'll blog about those later when things are more concrete.

Instead, I will leave you with the beginning of a list I would like to call "You know you're a Missoulian when..."
  • You drive a Subaru
  • Your spouse has one as well
  • You are not originally from Missoula - you're from CA or AZ or PA...or something
  • Montanans from other towns do not like you
  • You think a red light means speed up and get through the intersection.
  • You and everyone else you know voted for Barack Obama
  • You assume everyone in the room voted for Barack Obama be continued


Stacy Tucker-Potter said...

I miss you guys so much. I also wish someone would lead a 5K training program. I want to start running again, but it feels like it is so far away. I am sure a training program would help me see that it is attainable. I am sorry you have to leave your job you love, but I pray that God makes his plan clear and that he blesses you for your obedience. Stacy T-P

dadnmom said...

Maybe Kirsten will be the next great guitar hero - who knows what the Lord has in store for the two of you. Be strong, be together and let us know how we can help and support you in this change. Can Kristen take classes online?

Mom and Dad V said...

Hi Kristin and Jeff,
I guess I could not live in Montana. I don't meet the
It was so good to talk to you Kristin. I thank the Lord for such awonderful daughter. You have such a good heart.
Seems like God is up to something. He is changing your direction a little. I know it will be challenging but he will walk with you through it. I'm excited to see what He is doing. He is equiping you through His Word and new lfe experiences.
I love this blog idea. It helps us know how to pray. We love you both.

Mom and Dad V

Mom and Dad V said...

Just a is Grandpa Varwig's birthday. He is 84.

I am slowly getting back into running. My foot and leg are fine so far. I'm hoping to run a half marathon by September.

I love you.
